As many games do, Hi-Fi RUSH has a currency you can collect throughout the game by simply exploring the tracks; breaking boxes, barrells, vending machines, and Kale busts; defeating enemies; completing tasks on the Wall of Fame; and through the Rhythm Tower. However, you aren't getting coins or caps—instead, you're gathering gears. These come in three forms: a pair of loose ones, a pile of loose ones, and a big bucket full. They each give a different amount; the pair only gives 10, the pile gives 50, and the bucket gives 500. You can also earn gears through health pick-ups when you're at max HP, though they don't give you as many.

Now, you're probably wondering what exactly you can buy with these gears. The answer is quite a few things! There are four different shops you can purchase from, though three of them can only be accessed after you've beaten the game.

The Primary Shop

You can access this store from the hideout and from the Level Up machines that can be found throughout the tracks. This store sells gameplay-related things, which are split into four different sections.

2D art of Chai


This is where you purchase combos and other fighting-related moves, including jam combos and other partner attacks.

When you first get access to the shop, you can only buy a few of these. As you progress through the game, you unlock more you can purchase. This goes for partners, as well, though they come with an extra stipulation; you can only buy their jam combos and parry counters after you've gotten to their combat tutorial. Once the tutorial has been triggered, their extra attacks become available to buy.

Click here to view all of the fighting-related moves! Ones that cannot be bought are also listed here for convenience, and will have a note clarifying that they aren't purchasable.


  • Humbucker: Cannot be purchased; this is a combo that you start with. The basic Light Attack combo! 1, 2, 3, 4... Just keep the rhythm with a Light Attack to lead to a Beat Hit finisher.
  • Grandslam: Cannot be purchased; this is a combo that you start with. A simple chain of Heavy hits. But most importantly landing all three hits allows you to finish with a heavy swing Beat Hit to send enemies flying to the stands!
  • Breakdown: Cannot be purchased; this is a combo that you start with. Fling your guitar out for an area attack in front of Chai. Then land the Beat Hit for a 4 hit ground attack that fans out to dish out even more damage. A perfect combo for when you've got a lot of enemies surrounding you in front.
  • Tremolo: Cannot be purchased; this is a combo that you start with. This combo will send your guitar spinning out in front of you, racking up a ton of hits to a single enemy. Finishing the Beat Hit will launch a beam that goes straight ahead and can even hit enemies behind others!
  • Dash Attack: Cannot be purchased; this is a combo that you start with. Cover some ground and lead into a combo with an attack. Quickly press the light attack button after Dodging to move while horizontally cutting through the air with your guitar.
  • Air Launch: Cannot be purchased; this is a combo that you start with. The quickest way to get an enemy into the air. After dodging, quickly press the heavy attack button to knock an enemy into the air as Chai rises with them.
  • Rise Up: Cannot be purchased; this is a combo that you start with. This combo is a rest combo, meaning you have to wait a beat after an attack in order to do it. You can deal damage as well as pull enemies into the air with you!
  • Hammer-On: Cannot be purchased; this is a combo that you start with. A simple yet effective drop down air hit. Rain down damage from directly above dealing some heavy damage and stun damage.
  • Air Countdown: Cannot be purchased; this is a combo that you start with. Don't let this simple combo fool you, this basic air combo of Light Attacks will send enemies flying down to the ground for high damage. Now you just have to somehow get the enemies in the air first...
  • Echo Splash: A ground combo that leads into an air combo? Unbelievable! Well, that's what you'll get with Echo Splash. Landing the Beat Hit will send the enemies in front of Chai into the air. This one's a keeper!
  • Tune Up: A Rest Combo that attacks an enemy directly in front of Chai, but finishes up with a wide area attack that can hit multiple enemies and send them flying. A great option to mix up your repertione for hi-scores as well as getting enemies away from close range.
  • Stomp Box: Jump up in the air and land the Beat Hit to do a full 360 degree area attack. This will send all weaker enemies flying back! A go-to attack for when you are surrounded.
  • Pickup Crash: Chai builds up energy with his Heavy Attacks to power up his guitar with extra....garbage? The result is a powerful slash that sends enemies (and junk) flying back.
  • Harmonic Beam: A high level air combo attack. Combining Weak & Heavy Attacks will not only damage enemies in the air, but send the enemy back down to the ground for you to finish them off from above with a powerful beam. The beam can even damage nearby enemies.
  • Compressor Slam: A multiple-hit air combo that end with a smashing crash to the ground. One of the trickier combos, after performing the first two attacks, wait for the spin attack to finish before inputting the second half of the combo.
  • Arpeggio Stab: What begins as a ground combo, lifts the enemy in the air and ends with a multiple hit slash. While lacking a Beat Hit finish, the enemy is left vulnerable to any other air combo.
  • Shred: Lean into your riffs with a real solo! After the second Heavy Attack, press the heavy attack button rapidly to have Chai unleash a fury of quick attacks! Landing the Beat Hit WON'T cause any extra damage, but will pull out batteries from surrounding enemies.
  • Quick Beat Hit: Some times you just want to get your face out there quick! The Quick Beat Hit immediately puts out a longer attack that only commits to a single hit.
  • Steal Counter: A unique opportunity for a counter attack. After a successful parry, wait one beat & then press the parry and heavy attack buttons at the same time. This will have Chai grab an enemy & throw them across the battlefield. Be warned, enemies that haven't been stunned won't be thrown!
  • Gain Tornado: Holding down the Heavy attack H will charge up Chai's magnetic abilities & pull in metallic junk to create the ultimate guitar. But it...doesn't really look like a guitar anymore. The longer you hold H, the stronger the attack will be. The full attack will unleash a multiple hit area attack.
  • Staccato Launch: A special technique coming from holding down the Light Attack mid combo. After a single beat, you can release the light button attack for a forward blast of damage.
  • Switch Kicker: Instead of pressing the attack button, press the assist button at the Beat Hit timing to have partner 1 swing in & kick into enemies, finishing with launching them in the air if they lack an active stun gauge.
  • Master Blaster: Chai and partner 1 team up to pull out the big guns on an airborne enemy. By calling them in during the beat hit of an air combo, they'll transform their blaster into an ultimate beam.
  • Cannon Spike: A charge-up attack from partner 1. By holding down the assist button, partner 1 will hop on the battlefield & charge up their blaster. Charge it up for 4 beats to let out an area blast that can also destroy strong barriers.
  • Kick Shot: By calling partner 1 in a beat after a successful parry, they'll hop in and counter attack the enemy that attacked Chai. If the enemy has a barrier, they'll do significantly more barrier damage than normal.
  • Double Bass Drop: Call in partner 2 on the beat hit timing to smash into an enemy and send weakened ones spinning into the air.
  • High Strung: Team up in the air with partner 2 to lay into your enemy and send them crashing back into the ground.
  • Gravity Well: Too many enemies to keep track of? hold down the assist button when calling in partner 2 to have him charge up his robotics and let out a force of energy, locking surrounding enemies in place. While bosses aren't stopped by this attack, they do receive more damage!
  • Love Tap: Hit back at your enemy with a knockout punch from partner 2! If the enemies is shielded, this attack does significantly more damage, being capable of destroying shields in a single blow.
  • High Security Risk: A Jam Combo with partner 3 that unleashes a flurry of hits!
  • Tornado Lift: Use partner 3's wind energy to keep an enemy in the air as you attack them from all sides, doing damage as well as significantly stunning them.
  • Typhoon: Call in partner 3 and hold down the assist button to charge up their wind energy. Releasing it will send a tornado out onto the battlefield, which can pick enemies up and carry them around.
  • High Alert: Partner 3 comes in for a counter, knocking an enemy into the air with their baton. This doesn't work on enemies who aren't stunned, however.


  • Magnet Backstab: A challenging technique to take your magnet usage to the next level. You'll always reach your enemy with the magnet on the beat, so pressing the magnet the moment you arrive will send Chai behind the enemy, confusing them.
  • Air Parry: It's a parry, but in the air! Who would have thought!
  • Directional Parry: Want to take your parrying to the next level? Point yourself in the right direction. By moving Chai towards the enemy you are parrying at the exact moment you parry, you can perform this move.
A silhouette of Chai with his prosthetic and core fully visible, and his guitar behind him

Special Attacks

This is where you purchase all your special attacks. Much like the regular attacks, when you first get access to the shop, you can only buy a couple. As you progress through the game, you unlock more you can buy.

There are 17 total specials, though you can only purchase 14 of them. One of them is just the one you start the game with, and the other two can only be gotten through post-game content. Each special gives you a different score bonus in battle, though some don't have any. They also all have different ranges and cost different amounts of reverb. It's important to keep these things in mind when deciding what ones you want to get and use.

Click here to view all of the specials! These are listed in order from lowest-to-highest score bonus. Ones that cannot be bought are also listed here for convenience, and will have a note clarifying that they aren't purchasable and why.
  • Pick Me Up!: When Chai's in trouble, he will bust out a reserve energy drink to give him a Health boose mid-battle. Landing the Beat Hit when drinking will restore even more health! Requires 2 reverb to use.
  • Pick Slide: Chai's passion for guitar can't be held back! Let out a powerful riff that will build up the Stun Meter of any enemy in front of Chai. Requires 2 reverb to use.
  • High Pitch Punch: Harnessing the power that Chai's arm holds, Chai unleashes a devastating uppercut sending him in the air, along with any unfortunate enemy in close range. Requires 1 reverb to use.
  • Barrier Wall: Partner 2 senses danger & develops a barrier to protect Chai! Partner 2's protective wall can defend Chai against 3 hits before being destroyed. The wall also follows Chai as he moves & attacks. Requires 2 reverb to use.
  • Twin Assault: Summon partner 3 to attack with their batons & finishing it off with a combo hit! With a wide range, it's likely to pull in multiple enemies. Requires 2 reverb to use.
  • Steal the Show: No on can resist... the power... of an adorable cat! 808 literally steals the enemies' hearts leaving them fluttering & open to attack. Even some of Vandelay's strongest robots can't help themselves! Requires 2 reverb to use.
  • Holo-Chai: Vandelay's technology harnessed to create a hologram of Chai! Does the world need another Chai? Probably not, but it is enough to confuse enemies to attack the wrong Chai & leave the real Chai to focus on his enemy of choice. Of course, the bosses aren't that dumb. They can tell the difference. Requires 2 reverb to use, but if you have more than 2, it'll be extended until you're completely out.
  • Power Chord: Cannot be purchased; this is the special that you start with. A starter Special Attack that deals massive damage to enemies close by. Landing the Beat Hit at the end deals more damage. Requires 2 reverb to use; gives a x2 score bonus.
  • Air Guitar: You know Power Chord? Well it's that, but in the... air! Requires 2 reverb to use; gives a x2 score bonus.
  • Guitar Ride: Ride your guitar around the battlefield, catching all enemies in your way & racking up & huge combo. Landing the Beat hit at the end will flip up the energy built up to cap off the slide! Requires 2 reverb to use, but if you have more than 2, the attack will be extended until you're completely out; gives a x2 score bonus.
  • Double Riff: Team up with partner 1 to blast your enemies away. With partner 1's arsenal & your musical energy, a machine gun of damage will go forwards & damage anything in it's path. Requires 2 reverb to use; gives a x2 score bonus.
  • Rip & Tear: Chai harnesses the energy of the beast, some sort of evil within? None can know for sure, but an aura of beastly claws rip apart any enemies that are in front of Chai! This attack doesn't do any damage to barriers or shields, unlike other specials. Requires 3 reverb to use; gives a x3 score bonus.
  • Overdrive Slash: After triggering the attack, you'll need to complete the button combination. Chai builds up energy to the rhythm to unleash a series of slashes. Finishing the attack with a Beat Hit sends the resulting slashes forwards, in an echo of pain! Be careful, if you don't build up enough energy you won't be able to do full damage with the attack! Requires 4 reverb to use; gives a x4 score bonus.
  • Hibiki: After triggering the attack, you'll need to complete the button combination! One of Chai's hardest hitting attacks, spinning around & unleashing his inner rockstar with an epic blast. But doing the most damage isn't easy, you'll need to build up enough energy in rhythm to do the most damage & activate the Beat Hit at the end. Requires 4 reverb to use; gives a x4 score bonus.
  • My Hero!: Cannot be purchased; you are rewarded with this special upon completing # of the arcade challenges, which you can only do after beating the game. Hooray! Smidge gets to help Chai in the best way possible! Smidge goes in and circles around Chai in his Fighter style to mow down enemies that stray too close! These fridges really are great, huh? Requires 4 reverb to use; gives a x4 score bonus.
  • 808-Gigawatt-Cat-Attack: This special only becomes available to purchase after you beat the game. Quite possibly the strongest attack anyone has seen! 808's power is unleashed in a devastating blow that will crush any and all foes. If only her arms were longer.... You'll have to time and place yourself purr-fect for this one. Requires 4 reverb to use; gives a x10 score bonus.
  • CNManiac: Cannot be purchased; you are rewarded with this special upon completing # of the arcade challenges, which you can only do after beating the game. A Special Attack with...CNMN!? CNMN dives in and repeatedly stamps down on targeted enemies before dealing a high-damage finisher to send them in the air! Requires 4 reverb to use; gives a x10 score bonus.
A life gauge piece and a reverb core


This is where you purchase health and reverb upgrades; a health tank; another special attack slot, allowing you to equip two at once; and more chip slots, allowing you to equip up to five at once. As you buy more slots, the price goes up.

All of these can be bought right away so long as you have enough gears, save for the chip slots, since the ability to buy chips in the first place doesn't become available until after track 2. You can only buy 5 health upgrades and 3 reverb upgrades; the rest have to be found throughout the tracks.

A silhouette of Chai with his prosthetic and core fully visible, and a few chips next to him


This is where you purchase and upgrade chips, which are the only thing in this shop that can't only be bought with gears. You also need Armstrong circuits in order to purchase these, which you can find scattered throughout the tracks and get from completing things on the Wall of Fame. However, unlike gears, there's a set amount of circuits you can get.

When equipped, chips give you different passive abilities, and equipping the upgraded versions makes their effects more powerful. Most of them are specifically for combat, but there are some that have a use in general gameplay.

They aren't available as soon as the shop becomes so; they can only be bought after track 2. And, much like attacks and special attacks, when you first are able to buy these, you can only get a few. You unlock more as you progress.

Click here to view all of the chips! Ones that cannot be bought are also listed here for convenience, and will have a note clarifying that they aren't purchasable and why.
  • Health Kick: Increases the amount restored by healing items. While it may not be much, it's better than nothing at all.
  • Parry Health: A Just Timing Parry will offer a small chance at manifesting a healing item.
  • Battery Magnet: Increases the mount of Reverb Gauge filled by batteries. Gives that slight boost that may make the difference between being able to use a Special Attack or not.
  • Parry Charge: A Just Timing Parry will offer a small chance at manifesting a battery to fill your Reverb Gauge.
  • Invincible D-Parry: Become invincible for a short time by performing a Just Timed Directional Parry.
  • Damage Rebound D-Parry: Knock back a portion of the enemy's attack by performing a Just Timed Directional Parry.
  • Rhythm Meter Rush: Slightly increases the rate in which the Rhythm Meter rises in battle.
  • Combo Holder: Increases length of time before a combo ends. For the upgraded versions, the combo time increases by beat counts.
  • Enemy Analyze: Cannot be purchased; you are rewarded with this chip upon beating every challenge room, which can only be done after beating the game. This chip cannot be upgraded. Enables 808 to scan enemies and visualize their current health!
  • High Risk, High Return: This chip only becomes available to purchase after you beat all of the challenge rooms, which can only be done after beating the game. Increases Chai's strength by a percentage, but at the same time, increases damage taken by the same amount. For those who want to hit hard and aren't worried about whatever comes their way.
  • Instant Partner Recharge: This chip cannot be upgraded. Uses up one Reverb Gauge to energize 808 and instantly summon a partner who is recharging.
  • Partner 1 Compatability: Cannot (technically) be purchased; you get this chip as a freebie during the chip tutorial. Reduce the amount of time it takes to call in partner 1 during combat after use.
  • Shock Advantage: Increases time an enemy is "shocked" by partner 1's base attack. A shocked enemy will be unable to attack or move. Any enemy with an active Stun Gauge, shield, or barrier will be unaffected.
  • Shock Jump: Allows partner 1's shock effect to "jump" to close by enemies, preventing all enemies from attacking or moving. Any enemy with an active Stun Gauge, shield, or barrier will be unaffected.
  • Partner 2 Compatability: Reduce the amount of time it takes to call in partner 2 during combat after use.
  • Lucky Punch: Creates a percent chance that partner 2's base attack will do double damage, potentially destroying some shields with one hit.
  • Aftershock: Increase the range in which partner 2's base attack hits enemies.
  • Partner 3 Compatability: Reduce the amount of time it takes to call in partner 3 during combat after use.
  • Super High Alert: Increases the time partner 3's counter attack "High Alert" leaves enemies suspended in the air.
  • Stun Extend: Extends the amount of time partner 3's wind attack increases stun damage to enemies. Highly effective against enemies with high level Stun Gauges. For the upgraded versions, the time increases by beat counts.
  • Rhythm Dodge Pull Plus: Increases the distance items are pulled in when performing a Rhythm Dodge.
  • Rhythm Dodge Pull Cancel: This chip cannot be upgraded. Cancels the effect of pulling in distanced items automatically with Rhythm Dodge.
    I wanted to check if you actually read these descriptions before buying these chips, so I made one that is basically useless. Let's see if you can pass this test, Chai. -Peppermint
  • Chip Sense: Cannot be purchased; you are given this chip upon completing the game. This chip cannot be upgraded. Give 808 the ability to detect nearby Armstrong Circuits and other important items in levels. A cat's sixth sense! When a circuit is nearby, look for a "!" above 808.
  • Gear Increase: This chip only becomes available to purchase after you beat all of the challenge rooms, which can only be done after beating the game. Unlike every other chip, you have to use both gears and circuits in order to upgrade this one. Enabling 808 to convert gears into... more gears! I don't know how it works but some things are better left unknown!

Now that we've gone over that shop, we can discuss the post-game ones! So if you haven't beaten Hi-Fi RUSH or watched someone play all the way through the game yet, I would advise against looking at this section, as it does have some spoilers.

The Cosmetic Shop

You can only access this store from the hideout by speaking to CNMN. This store sells clothing for the tea-m. Each costume (and Chai's costume sets) costs 15,000 gears.

Chai's Costumes

Chai has the most clothes out of everyone, and is the only one that you can mix-and-match with. Because of this, he has a variety of things you can purchase for him. Quite a few of these were created with specific outfit sets in mind, but can still be nicely paired with clothes from other sets, alongside those that weren't intended to be part of any particular outfit.

As I said, Chai has multiple types of things you can buy for him, those being hairstyles/hats, shirts, jackets, scarves, pants, shoes, accessories, costumes sets, and guitars. All pretty self-explanatory. He has a total of 18 hairstyles/hats, 51 shirts, 24 jackets, 21 scarves, 23 arms, 23 pants, 23 shoes, 15 accessories, 28 costume sets, and 24 guitars (including things you can earn from beating the game, the Wall of Fame, the arcade challenges, buying/upgrading to the deluxe edition, and the DLC costume packs).

Hairstyles/hats cost 3,000; shirts cost 2,500; jackets cost 5,000; scarves, shoes, and accessories all cost 2,000; pants cost 4,000; prosthetic arms cost 4,500; and guitars cost 10,000 gears each.

When the Arcade Challenge! Update! dropped, it added 7 new accessories, 11 new shirts, and the promoted outfit for him.

Upon beating the game, you unlock a unique guitar for him, as well as an updated version of his jacket, which looks exactly the same except now it has a shiny Vandelay pin on it. This jacket replaces his original one, meaning you cannot equip the pin-less version in save files where the game has been beaten.

Click here to see all of Chai's costume sets (including ones you have to piece together via buying their pieces separately and all the extra ones you can't buy in-game)!

808's Costumes

808 has the second highest amount of costumes, with a total of 18 (including ones you can earn from the Wall of Fame, the arcade challenges, buying/upgrading to the deluxe edition, and the DLC costume packs). She has both some of the simplest and most complex costumes.

When the Arcade Challenge! Update! dropped, it added two new costumes for her: catvenger and valkyrie.

All of her DLC costumes have unique animations that play when you play with her while they're equipped.

Click here to see all of 808's costumes (including all the extra ones you can't buy in-game)!

Peppermint's Costumes

Peppermint has a total of 13 costumes, three of which can only be gotten through the Wall of Fame, whereas everyone else only has one to two that can be acquired that way.

Click here to see all of Peppermint's costumes (including all the extra ones you can't buy in-game)!

Macaron's Costumes

Macaron has a total of 10 costumes.

Click here to see all of Macaron's costumes (including all the extra ones you can't buy in-game)!

CNMN's Costumes

CNMN has a total of 11 costumes, and is one of the two (technically three, if you wanna count Chai) characters to get a unique costume unlocked and automatically equipped after the game is beaten.

Click here to see all of CNMN's costumes (including all the extra ones you can't buy in-game)!

Korsica's Costumes

Korsica has a total of 14 costumes, and is the other of the two characters that gets a unique costume unlocked and automatically equipped after the game is beaten. She has the least amount of costumes that can be bought in this shop out of everyone, with only four.

When the Arcade Challenge! Update! dropped, it added four new costumes for her: punk rocker, fashionista, fujin, and the chief.

Click here to see all of Korsica's costumes (including all the extra ones you can't buy in-game)!

Before we get into the other two shops, we need to talk about tickets, the third currency in the game. Tickets can only be gotten through completing tasks on the Wall of Fame. Due to this, there's only a set amount you can get. Completing all of the challenges that reward you with tickets will give you enough to purchase everything in the next two shops. Speaking of which, they're the only way you can actually buy anything in those shops; your gears are useless in them.

The Model Viewer

You can only access this store from the hideout by speaking to Korsica. You can purchase and view the character models here, as well as read the supplementary information about each of the characters that comes with their models.

Click here to view all of the models and their information!


Age: 25

A college dropout still holding on to his dreams of one day becoming a rockstar. His lack of achievements didn't dissuade him from acting like he is the center of attention.

By joining Project Armstrong, Chai was looking for a shortcut to achieve his dreams, but got much more than he bargained for. Through trials, however, we all have self-discovery, and this journey of his may have taken him a step cloesr to what type of person he can really become.



A handmade creation of Peppermint, she has taken on a life of her own.

Originally created to help Peppermint spy on Vandelay from a distance, the unexpected encounter with Chai led to a fruitful relationship that not only gifted Chai new abilities, but allowed 808 to take charge as a core member of the resistance against Vandelay leadership.

But the ultimate she soft like a cat or hard like a robot? That answer remains a mystery to all.


808 (Ball Form)

808's new and unanticipated form revealed itself after synchronizing with Chai and his musical abilities. Floating near to Chai, she is able to easily act as a metronome for him to follow as he explores and challenges his foes.

As we all know, a cat's structure is fluid and can take many positions. Despite her appearance, the ball form is actually a comfortable position for 808.

808 in her orb form


Age: 23

Ultra computer literate and an expert mechanic, she has used her skills to infiltrate and discover the truth behind Vandelay's actions.

While a loner at heart, she harbors a regret for distancing herself from her family and mother, Roxanne Vandelay. Therefore, her interest in Kale's takeover of Vandelay is personal.

Through her journey, meeting Chai and the others turned from a nuisance into a pleasant realization that she can achieve the most with the help of those close by, rather than by herself.



Age: 47

An old employee of Vandelay Technologies going back to the early days. He ran Research and Development under Roxanne Vandelay's strong vision on using the positive effect of technology to improve life.

Unfortunately ousted from his position when Kale replaced him with Zanzo, he refused to give up on the company, which he felt a personal bond to.

Creating CNMN to keep him company, it wasn't until he was able to break out of his shell of passivity that he was able to take back Vandelay from the grips of Kale.



A robotic assistant created by Macaron to officially act as a "Psychoanalytic Robotic Personnel." However, his job mostly revolved around keeping Macaron company and assisting in small tasks.

After meeting Chai and his companions, he slowly began to feel insecure about his ability to contribute to the fight against Vandelay.



Age: 32

The youngest leader of one of the departments of Vandelay Technologies.

Growing up in awe of Roxanne Vandelay and the achievements of the copany, she studied hard and earned her position as the head of security for Vandelay.

Surprised by the new leadership of Kale, skepticism always lingered in her mind, but she attempted to stay professional in her work.


Korsica (Next Era)

Korsica takes a turn, joining Chai and fighting back against not only Kale, but an entire slate of bosses to right the wrongs she unwittingly took part of.

Not without he battle scars, joining the gang brings her a new look on what is important in her life and her priorities going forward.

Korsica in her post-game outfit

Korsica (Security Boss)

The head of security.

Brought in by Kale as a fresh face to test his ability to influence even the most serious of workers.

Taking her work incredibly seriously, but at the same time internally struggling with a lack of confidence, she attempts to put on a strong image to keep Vandelay secure and prove herself to Kale.

However, compared to the other heads of the company, she has a strong sense of righteousness that internally conflicts with her job after uncovering Kale's plans.

Korsica in her pre-joining the team outfit


The head of production.

Obsessed with getting things done regardless of the cost. However, she calculates cost as "body count" rather than money.

While she is intimidating visually, she uses her persona and promotional material to assert dominance over anyone or anything who might even think of getting in her way.

Her robotic arms are her secret weapon, kept hidden under her gloves until a fight worthy of her approval occurs.



The head of research and development.

Incredibly demanding and incosistent in his orders, his requests are often confusing and cause hatred among his employees, especially the programmers who work endlessly to implement his ideas.

Unanimiously disliked, but his psychopathic behavior gives little thought to the emoetions of others.

He lacks the discipline to create a proper project on budget and schedule, so its genuinely amazing how a creator like him can keep his job.



Head of marketing and the "Queen of Spin."

She's taken the position as the face of Vandelay to heart and uses it to project and push herself as the brand image of the company. She props herself as a pop star and creates "hype-events" around the world ot push the Vandelay image.

Despite Vandelay being the most well known tech company in the world, she regularly argues for pulling budget away from other sections to improve brand awareness for the company.

She has a very strong professional relationship with Kale, but specifically doubts the ability of Korsica and especially looks down at the development department.


Roquefort (Human)

The head of finance.

Has the ultimate grip on the budget of hte company and has a very special hatred for development and their increased spending.

Roquefort himself was one of the top economical advisors of his time until he was forced to retire due to health conditions. However, Kale saw Roquefort's potential and offered him a new lease on life using experimental Vandelay technology. In return, Roquefort is indebted and will defend Kale with every fiber of his being.


Roquefort (Wolf)

Apparently Kale's gift of giving Roquefort what he wanted was...quite the expansion. Roquefort is able to transform completely into a towering werewolf to assert dominance over anyone who questions him or submits an approval request for an increased budget.

Powered by Roquefort's won anger, attacking it will only make it more aggressive and powerful. Defeating it will require something beyond Chai's abilities...some sort of deus ex machina that will conveniently make itself known.

Roquefort's wolf form

Kale Vandelay (CEO)

Kale, son of Roxanne Vandelay, heads Vandelay Technologies and commands the heads of each department after "receiving" the position from his mother Roxanne.

His insane attempts at controlling the consumer through Project Amrstrong is his attempt to have to do less work, sitting back to watch the profits roll in. But his hubris shows the flaws in his plan. His hard work intended for an overcomplicated shortcut to profits created more work and stress than doing it the usual way.


Kale Vandelay (Mech)

While Kale was a menacing man of charisma, who knew that underneath that dark visage of his wardrobe was a...strangely similar robotic dark visage.

Kale has replaced his own body with next generation Vandelay tech and uses that as a last resort against anyone who gets in his way.

Kale with his tentacle arms out

Kale Vandelay (Overdrive)

With the additional tentacle features of his robotic body destroyed, he uses the power conducted by the antennas of SPECTRA to overdrive his robotic body into a berserk mode of his former self. Everything he does exerts additional energy and his attacks put Chai and hias partners abilities to the test.

Despite looking really cool, even power has its limits when met with determination.

Kale's phase 3 look

Roxanne Vandelay

The founder of Vandelay Technologies and one of the world's most renowned tech innovators and creators. She single-handedly built her company with commitment and effort.

Focusing on her work as her number one priority led to a rift in her family, resulting in a falling out with Peppermint, and an unfortunate misplaced trust with her son Kale, who eventually took advantage of her position of power.

However, with recent events she has reevaluated how she balances her life and looks forward to what she can do to keep Vandelay Technologies in her vision, while rebuilding the family she lost along the way.



The default Vandelay model for various repairs and security on campus. They have a strong sense of responsibility and will never run from a fight, but not exactly the type to win said fight. This default model has been improved on in various ways to create multiple spin-offs.



The GNR model is an expansion of the SBR unit line and attempts to shine its unbelievably bright light on suspicious individuals. Due to the brightness settings of their lamp, "shining a light" becomes an offensive beam of energy that can damage anyone in its range.

Their "serious parameter" compared to the SBR units is increased by 2.5%, making them ever so slightly more aggressive in combat.



A lightweight unit mainly used for carrying objects around facilities but also equipped with an explosion creation unit internally "just in case."

The "case" in this situation was incredibly vague, but lately the unit seems to drop explosive units more than doing any other job. Which makes salary adjustment difficult when its job is not clearly stated from the beginning.

One of the only Vandelay units equipped with a visual emotional display, which, while cool, was too costly to apply to all units.



Hard hitting and not afraid of conflict, the BA-B00 series jumps straight to the center of the problem and takes it head on. There's versions with barrier capabilities and without, but the barrier version is much more common.



Zanzo's creation as a fully defensive robot, disguised as a grounds keeper. The BRUT-1L series is one of the most aggressive series designed by Zanzo and specifically will assault anyone deemed as an enemy.

Developed with a specific "baby rocking" mode to lull young children to sleep, this has yet to be tested for unspecified reasons.



A version of the BRUT-1L that Zanzo really wanted to make but didn't quite make it into final production. Sometimes, we don't always get what we want. However, someone somewhere finished the job and created something that was much more aggressive, damaging, than the original BRUT-1L.



A giant quadrupedal machine equipped with Zanzo's first foray into his next-gen armor: Z-shielding. The HG-0G series, while lacking a voice control unit, enjoys playing games, specifically single player ones, and will often spend its time in deep thought contemplating existence at a meta-level.



HG-0Gs older and more annoying brother. This model follows the quadrupedal model with an emphasis on its long range multi-hit capabilities. Its rapid fire can take down even the quickest foes who cannot parry attacks, and with barrier protection abilities, this enemy has been declared "annoying" by the design team. However, its effectiveness in battle is long as its shield is intact.



Intended as a companion robot, as a defensive force it takes companionship to a new level by protecting all its allies with a protective barrier umbrella technology. Once its barrier is deployed, it enters "run away mode," and attempts to avoid conflict.

Unliked by all other employees because of its negative attitude, it tends to not get invited to celebratory parties.



Vandelay's first foray into high-speed aggressive flying robotics. The lessons learned: flying robotics (especially with wings) are hard work and nothing goes as planned.

However, this unit, while originally created as a surveillance robot, proved extremely effective at airborne protection of facilities around campus.

Regular public sale has yet to be approved, but they fly around campus hitting things, and, in general, being a nuisance.



Zanzo adjusted the VU-TOR1 series based off a single idea: what if it was like VU-TOR1, but ON FIRE?! Such became this model.

Its offensive capabilities are increased significantly and involve lots of explosions, so the after-effects of it being used are quite costly, but it proved to be a significantly challegning fowe to all who stand in its way.



A new and improved version of the SBR series equipped with flaming sword technology. Not especially careful, the SBR-CUR has a tendency to accidently set random things on fire and blame old Vandelay models for the problems that arise.



An enhancement of the GNR series that, much like the SBR-CUR series, is equipped with fire. While their flamethrowers cuase significant long-lasting damage, their masks on their face prevent their vision and energy intake. Purely an aesthetic choice, it would be wise to remove their gas masks, but Zanzo declared the design as much cooler, so they remain.


PA-D0 Set A

A group of assistants specifically designed for Mimosa. They have a high tolerance for her extreme demands while having a low tolerance for anyone who could theoretically turn her marketing plans awry.

A trio of PA-D0s

PA-D0 Set B

Mimosa's assistants not only assist in her work, but are willing to put themselves in harms way to protect her. At the same time, they always keep an air of professionalism.

A duo of PA-D0s


The ELITE series of the SBR unit. This new model was geared towards wealthier customers who wanted exactly what a SBR unit does, but costs more and stands as a status symbol. Granted, the unit actually comes with a full set of defensive capabilities and stronger armor abilities, giving it a tough image. Regardless, its retail cost is inflcated because of the word "elite."



Similar to the ES-101 series of elite users, this model was geared towards wealthier users who could afford a more luxurious model. Its bubble barrier is meant for additional protecting, but in actuality, it only protects the unit rather than any person who wants to use it for protection. On Vandelay Campus, the barrier also acts as a cooling unit and, as such, is used often in the R&D expansion project.



Created on the fly by Zanzo using existing parts and attaching Z-shielding elements. The quick turn-over from idea to production unit cost a lot internally, but created one of the most effective protective service robots in Vandelay's repertoire. With more development resources, a more efficient and cost effective version could be produced, but who has time for that?



A direct order from Roquefort as a high level security detail for Vandelay employees and bosses. The WA-ES-2 follows up ont he idea that anything resembling a sword master is "really cool" and "totally intimidating," therefore it has become one of the top tier favorites among the upper staff at Vandelay.

It has a sense for poetry which it uses before attacks and also has a secret passion for cooking, which made it apply for a position in the Vandelay cafeteria.



A model made for outdoor use because of its fire creation capabilities and aggressiveness, it was repurposed during Chai's uprising as a high level defense force.

It has an extremely serious personality. It does not take kindly to jokes, which makes it an unfortunate outcast among other robots in terms of relatinships. However, this loneliness only makes it train harder and showcase its fighting abilities.


Super ES-101

This ES series model was made without any oversight or approval fromt he head of development, so its intricate details are quite a mystery. However, its gold so that must mean that it's important. And it looks pretty strong, so that must mean it's quite powerful. But other than that, its design has not been officially approved, so any appearance should be taken as a direct act of aggression against those in power who approve designs.

Super ES-101


A beast of a protective robot, this series is known for fast hitting attacks that come before you even hear them. Granted, its fast movement often makes it confused and requires time reorienting itself. But having it jump around is enough for its enemies to be taken aback by its power.



What was supposed to be a re-purposing of the KEM-0N0 series evolved into something much more. Its armor plates and movable arms have been called "really cool" by Zanzo. It was forgotten about until Roquefort quickly activated it, using it as a defense for Vandelay Tower.



This alternate model for the KEM-0N0 series was designed and ready to go, until some cost cutbacks decided its inclusion in the yearly lineup was unnecessary. That being said, its model had already been created and promotional material placed around campus, which maintenance staff have sometimes forgotten or neglected to clean up. Perhaps one day it will see its day to shine, but for now, it lies in rest.



Working under Rekka, QA-1MIL directly inspects anything that fails an automatic defect test as products leave production. Granted, its "inspection" is always a euphemism for destruction, as Rekka has a zero-tolerance policy for defects.

Equipped with standard QA level rocket launchers and lasers, it makes short work of anything that comes in its path. Its only weakness? A clearly marked weakpoint underneath its faceplate.


QA-1MIL (Serious Mode)

When QA is questioned, it doesn't back down. In fact, it goes into a much more extreme "serious mode" to assert dominance over anyone who might challenge its authority.

QA-1MIL in serious mode


A really cool looking large-scale robot controlled by Kale that can move at high speeds on L.I.F.T. railways. Internally, it is equipped with all sorts of barriers and shields that would be perfect for a fight, but for some reason, its appearance is minimal...almost as if its existence in the sequence of events was cut down. Though no true proof of this exists. It still remains an enemy that would probably be really cool to fight.



Zanzo's magnum opus in completed form. It has lasers, looks angry, has a claw...its got everything. It probably would have defeated Chai had it been completed by Zanzo. If only the development budget hadn't been so strictly limited! It's almost like this is a metaphor or something!



The classic model of cleaning unit within Vandelay Technologies. Its model is unchanged since the early days, focusing on one thing: cleaning and cleaning well.

While seeming simple-minded, it actually has a deep insightful view of hte world and its subtleties. Its trademark being simple words, it often writes poetry about work and the robot condition, scattering them around the campus.



A drone commissioned for one thing: take things from A to B. Commonly used to transport electronic screens broadcasting announcements, it will rarely interfere with Chai or any other robot. However, it is sometimes the bearer of bad news, so it is often on the receiving end of retaliation.


Mimosa's Backing Band

Created and developed just for Mimosa's live performances, her backing band is capable of playing any instrument at a high level. THe question remains, though: with a wind are they actually playing?

A member of Mimosa's backing band


The programmers support Zanzo's vision within the research and development department.

Realists and calculating, they are always considering the cost compared to the overall goal in creating things. THey will argue against anything with extreme risk, but often lose to Zanzo and his insane requests.

They work an unfortunate amount of hours and seem to get little respect, which does not reflect the realities of development. However, they find joy in creating, so they continue their work.



An old series robot simply made for transporting materials around campus. However, once Kale reassigned them, he doubled or even tripled their intended workload, leading to consistent overwork and panic attacks.

With extremely nervous personalities, these units are constantly worried about losing their job, so regardless of how difficult the task may seem, they will never give up.



This old series robot was in charge of keeping all elements of Vandelay Technologies moving at a reasonable speed.

While initially positive and reinforcing to their coworkers, the shift to Kale's management has soured their opinion on work and the company. Granted, they have been programmed to be loyal, so they have become 'indifferently loyal' and unenthusiastically do their job to the minimum amount required. But perhaps that will change one day.



The wise old-school unit in charge of inspecting and making sure the job done was done well. Regardless of the time required and the effort exerted, they are concerned with quality and value of their actions rather than if the results are profitable.



This robot has been placed around campus to keep important materials away from prying hands and from being lost. However, they suffer a massive frontal sensitivity port, which, when tickled the right way, will reduce their protective capabilities to zero and expose the material they are hiding.

While intrusive tickling is frowned upon, rebelling against a company is tough and such things can be overlooked.



This old model was originally constructed after an old pet of Roxanne's.

The KUT-WAN, while having a slightly imposing face, is meant for beautification. It hops around the campus, cutting the grass and making sure the environment is in tip-top shape.

A top seller outside the company, this model is known to provide companionship to owners as well!



The go-to fixer upper for handling anything technical around campus.

Most commonly found in the security department, it struggles with keeping the security data and its data spheres in running condition. Even worse, it has the personality of trying to neglect work or pass on responsibility to others.

The most disliked Post-Kale model, based on the opinions of old Vandelay models taken from an internal survey.



An information implementation machine used to categorize and organize schedules around campus. She goes by the book and is an expert at deflecting criticism and feedback.

Though the design was specifically based on outdated imagery of receiptionists, it surprisingly was well received internally by the new bosses. However, we know that Roxanne would never approve such a design.


Level Up Machine

These machines were intended to be maps to guide robots and employees around campus, but a serious security flaw has left them open to Peppermint being able to hack into them. Due to their short range connectivity abilities, they make the perfect format to allow Chai to upgrade himself and apply abilities to his repertoire.

Level Up Machine

VA-SF07 (Smidge)

VA-SF07 is the brain child of Macaron. What if a fridge could guide you to live a better life through nutrition and well-being?

Unfortunately, Macaron's well intended idea created a product that overanalyzed its users, giving a bit too much personal information, resulting in users being weirded out.

Rather than be destroyed under new leadership, they were repurposed around campus as helpful guides. However, they continue to be overly aggressive in their personal advice and Kale has demanded that they are to be removed and replaced with new technology developed by Zanzo.


VA-SF07 (Fighter)

Emphasizing well-being and fitness, VA-SF07, commonly known as Smidge, converts to a fitness training robot to help burn some steam and some calories as it recommends a path to better living.

It does not feel pain, but rather enjoyment in seeing its user succeed in activity. But it never forgets that hydration is important to living a healthy lifestyle and continues to hand out energy drinks to make sure the user doesn't overexert themselves.

Smidge in his fighter mode

The Artist (Pmidge)

This special edition version of the VA-SF07 model was unfortunately considered a failure, as its artistic nature naturally conflicted with its goals of helping the consumer with their well-being. As an artist, it's only concerned with its own perfection in the craft, putting aside the interest of its owner.

Macaron felt regret in this design flaw with this special edition, and shifted his focus to personal improvement and compatibility, which eventually led to the creation of CNMN.


VA-SER Series A

A new Vandelay series creation made specifically for hard labor and doing the dirty work in cleaning up the campus and repairing the facilities. In general, they are rude and lakc enthusiasm. Which begs the question: who decided their personality?

A group of VA-SERs

VA-SER Series B

Another group of VA-SERs, they continue to put themselves in dangerous situations, for little or no pay. Which such devotion can sometimes be seen as honorable, their off-putting tone removes any and all of the respect that they could receive.

A trio of VA-SERs with stretchy arms

VA-SER Series C

VA-SERs are often shunned by other working models, seen as lower class despite the fact that, without them, the campus wouldn't even run. They encompass a range of abilities, but perhaps their most defining feature is their rechargeability through their chest applicator ports. While seen as offensive to some, it is actually the most efficient way to charge.

A trio of VA-SERs with drill arms

VA-SER Series D

The variety of the VA-SER series is unmatched. Unfortunately for them, their compatbility with a wide variety of parts led to an internal competition for the strangest set of abilities set to the unit. While anything deemed hateful was excluded, there are some bizarre ones that made the cut.


Tanning SBR-001

The humanity programmed wihin the SBR units can lead to some unexpected actions. This particular SBR unit has an interest in casual activites, tanning itself to get that cool vintage shine. Additionally, this model has a proclivity to relaxing in open water and enjoying coffee related beverages around campus. But does it actually do any work? That remains to be seen...

The tanning SBR-001


This Vandelay unit was specifically developed to test dangerous actions and other offensive robotic maneuvers. Its memory is programmed to be reset at short inervals so that its test results can be trusted to remain free of impurities.


SEB-AAA and JSF-001

The go-to investigators fo the HR team. They follow up on any submitted complaint. But rather than solve the issue, they are more concerned with making it a non-problem.

SEB-AAA is extremely dark and pessimistic about their job and their effect on the working environment, while JSF-001 is a by-the-books assistant intent on getting the problem solved. Together they make a good team, but whether or not they make good HR representatives is...debatable.

SEB-AAA and JSF-001


Pure and full of hope and aloofness. These pigeons roam freely around Vandelay campus, lounging and leaving hteir remains for robots to, unfortunately, clean up. But who can really blame them? Vandelay campus is basically full of fun and adventure for them!

A flock of pigeons


This bizarre creation has seemingly become popular with underground weirdos who are interested in off-kilter entertainment.

While often depicted in fictional products, rumors about an actual being in this form exist, but this all remains hearsay. If you somehow come into contact with one of these beings, it is advised you do not engage and keep a safe distance.


The Jukebox

You can only access this store from the hideout by interacting with the jukebox near the couch. You can purchase and listen to the game's original songs here. If you back out after starting a song, it'll continue to play until it either ends or you leave the hideout. Each song costs 2 tickets.