If you are already familiar with HFR's combat, click here to skip down to the tips and tricks section! If you're not, then you should really read all this first so that you have the base understanding required to even utilize those tricks.

As a spectacle fighter, Hi-Fi RUSH has a plethora of flashy combos and special attacks at your disposal. However, you can't use them like how you would in other games of the genre, because you have to keep in-time with the rhythm. While you still do damage if you attack off beat, you may notice that it takes longer to beat enemies because you don't do as much damage and that you move slower than you would if you were in-time. There's also beat hits, which are flashy finishing moves at the end of combos. They're essentially just an extra attack and, regardless of the combo, can be performed by pressing either the light or heavy attack buttons.

There's a specific type of combo you can do called a rest combo. In order to perform this combo, you have to take a brief pause in-between attacks. If you aren't sure you're doing it right, listen for the clap sound effect and look out for the, "Rest!" that'll pop up next to Chai when you pause. Once those things happen, attack! Rest combos lift enemies who have been stunned into the air. The bosses are the only ones that don't have stun gauges, with the exceptions being Mimosa and Kale. The rest can only be stunned via doing specific things, which I'll discuss in the tips and tricks section.

Speaking of stunning enemies, in order to do so, you have to break what's called their stun gauge. Every enemy has one, but only tougher enemies have theirs visualized. Near their stun gauge will be a star or multiple stars. The amount of stars dictates how tough they are. Once an enemy's gauge is broken, it's possible to lift them into the air with any of the combos that are capable of doing so, as well as disorient and shock them (which I'll discuss in the bit about the partners). And, if you knock an enemy whose gauge is broken down, they'll stay down for longer than they would otherwise.

Much like other spectacle fighters, the game has a ranking system where you are given a letter grading based off of how well you performed in a fight (which are called choruses). This rank is based off of three things: your score, how in-time you were, and how quickly you beat all of the enemies. Each of these gives you a different letter for how well you performed them, and depending on the grade you got, you get a score bonus, which adds to your overall total. How much reverb (which is what you use up when you perform a special) you have left over also adds on to your score, though not by much.

There's a parry mechanic, which you are very much incentivized to use, especially when fighting certain enemies, as parrying their attacks helps to break their stun gauge. Doing so stuns them for a little while, and allows you to take tougher enemies up into the air for some air combos. Some enemies also have what's called a rhythm parry sequence, which they will attempt to pull you into when they're close to dying. All you have to do is parry their attacks back at them.

There's also a grappling hook mechanic (though here it's a magnet), which can be used to get closer to enemies. It's very useful, especially when you knock an enemy all the way across the arena after performing an air combo on them.

To get a boost in combat, you'll want to get some chips, which you can buy from the store and upgrade to make them more powerful. These give you different passive skills, most of which are combat-based, but a few affect general gameplay. You can only have 5 equipped at one time, and if you choose to equip the upgraded form of one, it'll take up 2-3 slots (depending on the upgrade level you pick). They range from enemies dropping health after being successfully parried, to making your partners abilities stronger.

Speaking of those partners, you get three throughout the course of the game. They each have a different ability that is utilized both in and out of combat. Plus, when you successfully parry or dodge an enemy perfectly, you can call one of these partners in to do a counter attack. I won't be referring to any of them by name to avoid spoilers.
The first shoots at enemies, doing small bursts of damage, alongside being able to shock them when they're stunned, keeping them that way for longer. They can also break enemy barriers, allowing you to attack enemies that generate them. They can juggle enemies in the air, as well. If you hold the button to call them in down for a few beats, they'll fire a large canon that can shock a bunch of enemies at once and break tougher barriers in one shot. Equipping their chips makes it so that their shock affects up to 3 enemies at once, alongside being able to make it last longer.

The second punches enemies, and is strong enough to break through z-shielding, which is a different type of protection from the barriers that some enemies have. If you hold the button to call them in down for a few beats, they'll create a bubble in the arena that slows down anything that goes inside of it. Equipping their chips makes it so they don't have to be called in as many times to break these shields, alongside increasing their range.

The third blasts enemies with a burst of air, disorienting weaker ones and make tougher ones stun gauges easier to break for a little while. If a tougher enemy's gauge is already broken, then they'll be disoriented. If they're close enough, they can do a bit of damage. If you hold the button to call them in down for a few beats, they'll create a small tornado that enemies can get caught in, dealing damage as well as stunning and disorienting them. Equipping their chips makes it so their ability to break stun gauges easier lasts longer, alongside making their parry counter keep enemies airborne for longer.

Partners also have attacks that are called jam combos. Jam combos are a way to finish out a regular combo, but they cost one bar/gauge of reverb to use. They're done the same way beat hits are, except instead of pressing one of the attack buttons, you press the partner button. Each partner has two; one for the ground, and one for the air. They don't all do the exact same thing; for instance, while partner 1 and 2's ground combos deal damage and bring enemies up into the air, partner 3's ground combo stays on the ground and can hit enemies near the one you used it on.

There's also a unique state you can put enemies into via jam combos. If you kill an enemy when you use one (or while the score multiplier for performing one is active), that enemy will be in an overkill state. When enemies are overkilled, they will stay alive for a little while longer, be visibly sparking, and won't move or attack you. This allows you to get another combo in (or even more if you use another jam combo to prolong the overkill state) before they die. If you leave an overkilled enemy alone, they'll eventually just die on their own.

Crowd cheering


Now that you understand how the combat works, we can get into some things that you can use to your advantage in choruses! These tricks and tips will range from how to get really high scores for all those S ranks, to strategies for making quick work of the bosses.

General Advice

  • Pick Me Up is your friend! Equip it if you need it!
  • The parry health chip is also your friend!
  • Equip stun chips! I recommend Shock Jump and Stun Extend specifically, though comboing Shock Jump with Shock Advantage is also good. Use whatever fits your playstyle best.
  • Remember to call all of your partners in during battle, especially 1 and 3 for the stun. It's okay to spam them!
  • You can parry basically everything, even electricity. You can't parry fire, though. Some attacks are pretty difficult, like the HG-0M's laser spam, but it is possible to successfully parry them; some hit on 8ths, while others are on 16ths. Just spam the parry button and you'll be fine.
  • If you're in the middle of a combo and about to get hit, don't parry; dash away. You often can't parry when in the midst of a combo, but you can always dash out of one. Not only will you avoid getting hit, you can use it to your advantage to get right back into a combo.
  • Remember to refresh yourself on what combos you can do every once in a while. It's easy to get stuck doing the same ones over and over again, and completely forget about the rest.

Enemy Tricks

  • Alongside (most) special attacks, you can use jam combos to break enemy shields.
  • If you run up to an enemy that generates a barrier around itself before it makes the barrier, you can parry it, preventing it from going up.
  • Using magnet backstab on SES-103s allows you to attack them even while their shield is intact.
  • Using partner 2's parry counter on SES-103s will break their shields in one go.
  • Using magnet backstab on a SEN-C0 when it goes to place its spear down prevents it from doing so.
  • Using partner 3's air jam combo on VU-REVs puts out their flames and brings them down to the ground.
  • When GNR-FL0s go to fire their flamethrower, you can call in partner 1 to stop them in their tracks. You can also call in partner 3 to put out their flames mid-attack.
  • Jam combos can hit multiple enemies if you position yourself correctly.
  • So long as their stun gauge is broken, you can attack enemies when they're trying to pull you into a rhythm parry sequence. You can use special attacks on them regardless.

Rhythm Parry Sequences

If you're struggling to get through these sequences, it might help you to make noises in accordance with the pattern when you need to parry. You can also apply numbers to most of them, so if a sequence is like this: hit, hit-hit-hit-hit, when it's your turn, you can think of it like this: one, one-two-three-four. If neither of those work for you, you can always go into the settings and turn on auto rhythm parry.

Click here to see all of the rhythm parry patterns!
  • BRUT-1L & SHIN BRUT-1L (Spinning Slash): 1-2, 1-2-3
  • WA-ES-2 (Poetic Blade): 1, 1, 1, 1-2, 1, 1
  • VU-TOR1 (Wing Cutter): 1-2, 1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2
  • KEM-0N0 (Plasma Roar): 1, 1-2-3-4
  • Korsica: 1-2, 1-2; 1, 1-2, 1-2; 1-2-3, 1, 1-2; 1, dodge, 1-2; 1-2-3, 1, dodge; 1, dodge, 1-2-3; 1-2-3-4, 1-2, dodge, 1; dodge, 1-2, 1-2, 1-2; 1, dodge, dodge, 1-2, 1-2-3-4; 1, dodge-2, 1-2, 1-2, dodge, 1-2, 1, dodge, dodge, 1-2
  • BL-1Z5 (Fists of Fury): 1-2, 1, 1-2
  • Mimosa: 1, 1-2, 1-2, 1-2; 1-2, 1-2, 1-2-3-4
  • VU-REV (Burning Revenge): 1, 1-2, Dodge
  • ARM-D11 (Rev Launcher): 1, 1-2, 1-2, 1
  • Kale: (End of Phase 1) 1, 1, dodge, 1, 1; (end of phase 3) 1, dodge, 1-2, dodge, 1
  • DM-ET1L (Double Cross): 1-2, dodge; 1, dodge, 1
  • KEM-N0 (Triple Vision): Can be any of these: dodge, 1, dodge; dodge, dodge, 1; 1, dodge, dodge

High Score!

  • If you're struggling a lot, equip the Rhythm Meter Rush chip.
  • Using your magnet to grapple to opponents gives a x1.2 score multiplier, so remember to use it.
  • Aerial raving gives you a x1.5 score multiplier. Get those enemies up into the air!
  • Jam combos give you a x2 score multiplier. Remember to use them! Especially because you can overkill them, which nets you bonus points.
  • Remember to use your specials, as they also give score multipliers! The lowest multiplier they give is x2; the highest is x10 (though only two specials give that one). Some don't give you anything. Pay attention to the descriptions of them in the shop, as that information is listed there.
  • Don't repeat combos too often! Mix it up! Using a variety helps boost your score.
  • Calling your partners in at the same time or in quick succession boosts your score, as well!
  • If you want an S rank on a particular chorus but you got an A or lower instead, pause while the results are still on-screen. Then, back out to the hideout. When you go back into the track, you'll be set back to before it (the game autosaves before and after every battle).

Boss RUSH!

  • Partner 3 is only really useful for the Mimosa and Kale fights, as the other bosses don't have stun gauges. It's important to note that their stun gauges work the same as regular enemies, meaning attacking them will help break it, so don't only use partner 3 during Mimosa and Kale's fights. Partner 3 just makes it easier to break them.
  • Generally don't use jam combos on any of them. It's not worth it the majority of the time. Special attacks will do you a lot more good.
  • If you're trying to get through a boss fight hitless, but you get hit, pause and back out to the hideout, then go back into the track. You'll get set back to the beginning of whatever phase you were on, but you won't have been hit anymore.
  • If you jump over QA-1MIL's arm sweep attack, make sure it's a double jump; a single one won't be enough to clear it.
  • After you've broken his face, don't whale on it. It's easier and quicker to just keep attacking his fists.
  • You can parry the electricity that comes off his fists in phase 3 and 4.
  • When Rekka does her big charge attack specifically, position yourself directly in front of the wall if you can. She'll ram into it and get stunned for a bit.
  • Even if you think you're safe from her grapple, you're not. Dash away.
  • Using most specials on her when she goes to the electric panel or the pipes cancels her out of it.
  • Calling in partner 1 at the right time during the Light's Out segment of phase two reveals Mimosa's location immediately.
  • During Light's Out, you can get hit by her clapping when she goes to swipe at you with her wings. When she does swipe at you, she sends a burst of energy flying at you, which can hit you even when you're far away.
  • You can parry the phase two and three gimmicks when she sends out the wave to suck you into them.
  • During the parts of Roquefort's fight where he's in his human form, don't call in any of your partners outside of when you need to. Doing so makes him dodge more frequently, making it harder to hit him.
  • There's an attack he does in the second phase where he swipes at you with his claws extremely fast. This attack is difficult to parry, but if you can manage to do it right, you can stun him for a little.
  • During the bit where he's in his human form in the second phase, at the very start, you can dash over to him before the laser wall goes up.
  • When he swipes at you during phase 3, look out! Even if you're far away, you can still get hit, as he'll send money flying at you.
  • The difficulty you're playing on affects how well you have to do in order to successfully pass his rhythm parry sequences. If you're on rhythm master difficulty, you cannot make any mistakes; if you do, you'll die, so make sure to focus up.
  • During Kale's second phase, don't contiuously dash up to him to try and trigger his arm attacks. Doing so can cause him to get stuck dashing away from you.

Post-Game Fun

  • Make sure you don't have the Shock Jump or Shock Advantage chip equipped when doing the challenge rooms. It makes some of them a lot harder.
  • For room 15, equip the Parry Charge chip at max level and do your best to avoid hitting the SBR-001s; just focus on the WA-ES-2 until you get enough reverb to take care of at least two of the SBRs. From there, you should have enough to get the rest.
  • Avoid using jam combos in the Rhythm Tower; they take too long and they won't do much for your score.
  • If you can, sneak in a simple, quick combo after beating all the enemies on a floor; it'll add some more time to the timer.
  • Mid-to-long range specials are the best for this, since they can quickly clear floors.
  • Pick a couple of challenges you can reasonably do together for Tower Up! Power Up! It's easy to knock out multiple at once if you stick to a few at a time.
  • You can only have one special at a time, regardless of if you've bought the upgrade that lets you equip two, so choose wisely.

Becoming a Rhythm Master

  • When playing on Very Hard and Rhythm Master difficulties, stick with the Parry Health and (especially for the latter) Rhythm Meter Rush chips. Also you'll definitely need Pick Me Up equipped.
  • During segments of a fight where you don't have any enemies to attack, do random combos. It'll help keep the meter up so you don't die. (During the second phase of the Kale fight specifically, just parry all his attacks and you'll be fine.)