Welcome to the Spiral!

I've started playing Wizard101 recently, and I thought I'd make a page of all the wizards I play as! As you can see, right now, I don't have very many, but I will be adding more to this list eventually! I've got others made, I just haven't actually played as them yet.

Anyways, if you see me around, feel free to say hi! I'd be happy to help you with your current quest (if I can). :]


Angela is a theurgist and a necromancer. She's level 36 and has a pet fancy starry named Young Puddles. She has the Smogger Smasher badge equipped.

Angela is my main wizard. I wanted to name her Angel, but unfortunately, that name is limited to guy wizards (which is strange to me), but it's not a big deal; I do also go by Angela, after all.

She's a theurgist because that's what I got when I took the test! She's also a conjurer since it's so heavily associated with stories.

Keira WindWielder

Keira WindWielder is a pyromancer and a thaumaturge, and dabbles in balance magic. She's level 32 and has a pet cinder serpent named Constable Mia. She has the Bookworm badge equipped.

She's meant to be Korsica from Hi-Fi RUSH! Of course, Korsica as a name wasn't available, so I went with the one that I felt was closest. I originally considered giving her no last name at all, but thought WindWielder would suit her nicely—and hopefully make the reference more clear.

The reason she's a pyromancer is probably obvious, considering Korsica's connections to fire, but it also suits her personality! Pyromancers are described as being hot-headed and passionate. It also fits her combat style, as pyromancers stack damage and stun their foes. As for her being a thaumaterge, that has to do with her stubbornness and strength. Her dabbling in balance magic is due to her versatility in combat (being good at dual-wielding and fighting with a two-handed weapon, as well as her wind attacks).

Primrose Valiant

Primrose Valiant is a necromancer and a pyromancer. She's level 23 and has a midnight cat pet named Bo. She has the Wizard City Protector badge equipped.

She's meant to be Peppermint from Hi-Fi RUSH! Of course, Peppermint as a name wasn't available, so I went with the one that I felt was closest. Same goes for her last name. I think Valiant suits her pretty well.

The reason she's a necromancer is because they're known for being self-sufficient loners and for being brave, as they use their courage to cast spells. It also suits her combat style; she deals decent damage and has good accuracy, being able to effectively take out foes fairly consistently. The death school is a more advanced one, which I feel fits her gifted kid energy. She's also a pyromancer because of her passion and hot-headedness. Plus, pyromancers can stun enemies. Not sure what other schools would fit her, honestly, so she might just stick to death and fire.

Last updated 2024/07/22