welcome to my webbed site!
here, you can learn about me, some of the things i like, and see some stuff i've made! this site is a constant work-in-progress and gets updated...whenever i feel like it lol.

i'm really into storytelling and writing, video games, and plushies.
my favorite games are hi-fi rush, psychonauts, persona 5, sunset overdrive, cassette beasts, ratchet & clank, sonic, bloodborne, and spiritfarer.
i like pokemon, slime rancher, god of war, friday night funkin, night in the woods, mario, wizard101, viscera clean-up detail, bugsnax, littlebigplanet, tf2, american mcgee's alice, dark souls, elden ring, and resident evil.
some bands/artists i like are the happy fits, imagine dragons, set it off, lil nas x, vylet pony, nathan sharp, kid sistr, lindsey stirling, penny parker, the arcadian wild, the stupendium, paramore, mint green, megan thee stallion, kendrick lamar, meet me @ the altar, and nova twins.
outside of games and music, i like the amazing digital circus, scott pilgrim, the sonic comics, worm, sparklecare, scooby-doo, steven universe, mlp:fim, bojack horseman, adventure time, spider-man, and the pokemon anime.
i'm always happy to get recommendations for games, music, books, comics, shows, and movies! it'll probably take me a while to get around to it, but i will Eventually.